

Conquering My Fear of Color

Color Explosion Quilt
Color Explosion Quilt
Color Explosion Quilt
Color Explosion Quilt Back
Color Explosion Quilt
Color Explosion Quilt
I finally got back to my sewing machine and I finished a quilt! It is a small one but I'm really excited about  it and so happy to share with you.  The colors are not something that I would typically choose. For some reason I always shy away from bright colors. But I received a fat eight bundle of these happy fabrics as a gift and I couldn't resist to turn them into a quilt and conquer my fear of color. The quilt top was so easy and fun to put together; I simply cut strips of 1-1/2 inches wide and  of different lengths and joined them together randomly to get a scrappy effect. For the backing I used the ever so popular Britten Nummer fabric from Ikea (I had some left over from another project and was very surprised at how well it complements the bright colors from the quilt top). But I think my favorite detail about this quilt is the aqua binding. I chose it a the last minute and I absolutely love how it ties everything together. It is like an explosion of color :)
I'm so thankful to have received these lovely and cheerful fabrics because they have definetely made me less affraid of using more color on my projects. 
Have a beautiful week!




May Moments

May  Celebrations
May Celebrations - Lemon Cake
San Francisco's City Hall
San Francisco Brick Building
San Francisco's night lights
Monterey Bay
Walk on the beach

Hello friends! How is May treating you? For me May so far has been a busy and exciting month filled with great adventures and lovely moments to remember: celebrations, birthdays and a few road trips have filled our days. However, there has not been a lot of sewing going on. My sewing machine is feeling a little bit neglected. Also, I got new fabric with some birthday money and I can't wait to cut into it. But for now I'm savoring every special moment May is giving me.

I hope you have a lovely week!
